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  • Meeting the cooling and freshwater needs of arid countries

    In a recent review article, the authors summarised research efforts in meeting cooling and freshwater demands in arid and hot climates, using available solar...

    • Publication date : 2023/03/28
    • Subjects: Technology
  • A refrigeration system to produce freshwater in arid areas

    A team of researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China demonstrated how integrating adsorption cooling and a heat pump system can improve the productivity of an...

    • Publication date : 2024/05/29
    • Subjects: Technology
  • China: new CO2 heat pump standard

    Standard GB/T26181-2010 is for hermetic motor-compressors for household and similar-use heat pump water heaters using CO2 refrigerant, and is expected to accelerate the introduction of new products on the Chinese market.

    • Publication date : 2011/12/22
  • Markets and figures: heat pump market

    The heat pump market is growing fast, especially in Europe and in Asia: - In Europe, a recent report from Frost & Sullivan found that the heat pump market - covering commercial, residential, public and industrial applications - earned over €...

    • Publication date : 2009/12/09
  • Market: Japanese heat pump market

    A Japanese market research company has analysed the Japanese heat pump market for applications in Eco-Cute water heaters and air-conditioners and published a forecast for market development over the next 10 years. Growth expectations for the...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • Briefs: CO2 heat pumps in a retirement home

    Villa Laura, a retirement home near Florence, Italy, is equipped with 4 water/water ground-water heat pumps operating with a transcritical CO2 cycle providing heating, air conditioning and hot water. This technology is already used to produce hot...

    • Publication date : 2007/11/20
  • Eco-friendly cooling for Tokyo’s Haneda Airport

    The new international terminal of Haneda Airport opened in October 2010. It uses a combination of geothermal energy, solar power and cogeneration systems to reduce energy consumption and is also the first airport to use sodium sulphur (NaS)...

    • Publication date : 2011/06/01
  • Market: Sales of home appliances soar in rural China

    Sales of refrigerators rose greatly in May 2010: 5.8 million refrigerators and water heaters were 20% higher than in May compared with April 2010 and reached USD 1.8 billion in value. A total of 26.6 million appliances were sold during the period...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • Sorption chillers

    Sorption chiller technology is rapidly developing, especially that using solar energy. - As highlighted by Jacob and Kohlenbach* during the latest IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids in Sydney, in Europe, numerous new...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • Briefs: First MAC system using an ejector

    Denso Corporation has developed the world's first passenger mobile air-conditioning system that uses ejector technology. The ejector, which is a small refrigerant injector, was installed on the new Prius introduced by Toyota in May 2009. According...

    • Publication date : 2009/08/13
  • World AC and compressor trends

    In its recent report, JARN estimates that the HVAC&R market in 2006 was about 66 billion USD and about half of sales were air conditioners and related products. - Regarding the AC market, China, the US, Japan and major European countries make...

    • Publication date : 2007/05/04
  • China: a direct leap from HCFCs to natural refrigerants?

    Released for public consultation in June 2015 by China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection, the First Catalogue of Recommended Substitutes for HCFCs lists 12 substitutes for HCFC refrigerants, foaming agents and detergents, ten of which are...

    • Publication date : 2015/11/11
  • Growth in the world heat pump market

    The world heat pump market increased 7.2% by volume in 2013 to almost 2 million units.

    • Publication date : 2014/09/04
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • Growth in the world heat pump market in 2014

    Japan remains the biggest market worldwide, in terms of value, reaching around USD 1.4 billion in 2014.

    • Publication date : 2015/07/21
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • Key Figures: French air heat pump market in 2014

     Importance of the heat pump sector in France in 2014:- Turnover: 2.4 billion euros- 24,000 jobs (manufacturing, distribution, installation and maintenance)- 20 industrial sites in FranceFrench air heat pump market in...

    • Publication date : 2015/04/02
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • IIR member news: Daikin

    From 2012 to March 2015, over 3 million units of Daikin’s residential and commercial air conditioners using the “mildly flammable” R32 have been sold in 43 countries.

    • Publication date : 2015/10/11
  • The Congress in Yokohama: a great success!

    In Yokohama, the International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2015), a huge milestone in the refrigeration sector, saw a massive amount of information disseminated and certainly lived up to expectations with almost 1,200 conference delegates, 143...

    • Publication date : 2015/09/16
  • Hydrocarbon refrigerants

    Hydrocarbons such as R290 (propane), R600a (isobutane) or R1270 (propene/propylene) are low GWP non-toxic natural refrigerants with excellent thermodynamic properties. They offer an...

    • Last update : 2022/06/22
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Hydrocarbons, Containment, refrigerant charge reduction
  • Ice cream manufacturing, environmental impact and market data

    From a physico-chemical point of view, ice cream is a complex, frozen multiphase mixture. The manufacturing process includes several stages of freezing which are described in this...

    • Last update : 2023/06/30
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Ice creams
  • Liquefied Natural Gas: production process and cold energy recovery

    Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C and turned into a liquid to facilitate transportation and storage. A typical LNG supply chain...

    • Last update : 2023/06/23
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : LNG and LPG
  • Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry

    The adoption of cryogenic processes in the food and beverage industry is predominantly driven by liquid nitrogen (LIN), and it is the preferred candidate for food chilling and...

    • Last update : 2023/11/07
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Freezing of foodstuffs
  • Additive manufacturing of regenerators for caloric cooling

    In many areas of engineering, additive manufacturing allows the production of complex and multifunctional products that could not be manufactured using traditional methods. In the...

    • Last update : 2022/09/16
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Caloric cooling (magnetocaloric, electrocaloric, elastocaloric and barocaloric cooling)